String Printing
Here’s another lesson from the monprinting course, string printing. I drew a simple oak leaf shape and used that to make my printing plate. I stamped once on fabric, then stamped again, slightly offsetting the plate (hehe, I meant to do that!). This is an interesting (fun and freeing) technique but, I have to admit, I think I like the painted printing plate better than the fabric piece!
Printed Fabric
Painted Printing Plate
Sorry, I don' t understand the process (I am not gifted for reading ...) You put the leave in a monoprint with paint and put the leave ont the fabric; is it right?
I have tried your technic for shaving cream print, it was better than before. Hope: I am in progress!!!
Thanks for your worshop, but don' t be jealous, I am not of your level!!!Thanks also for the patience.
Anne, I'm glad you're having better luck with your shaving cream prints.
All of these monoprinting techniques are from a course taught by Susan Sorrell at (I'm new to monoprinting, myself, and have just been documenting my progress on my blog.)
You may want to check and see when she will be offering the course again. She is a great teacher and has students from all over the world. Susan's blog is
Ah! but when you put some stitching on it, Cinderella will come to the ball!!!
Thanks Conni, I have read your answer! OK, I shall go ton this site.
...and again on yours
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