Wednesday, January 04, 2006

I'm Still Here and a Caution

I thought I’d better check in to say hello. I haven’t had time to work on anything creative in the past few days as I’ve been helping DH in a growing phase of our business, courtroom presentations. I’ve been time stamping, that is, synching video depositions to their corresponding transcripts. It is very time-consuming and (eek!) I really have to concentrate on what I’m doing! But watching the depositions is fascinating. I have many more hours of testimony to go through by the weekend and then we will create “clips” to integrate into a multimedia courtroom presentation.

The case we are working on involves a freestanding range that was tipped over onto two children as they used the door as a stepladder to reach something on top of the stove. The children were badly burned because there happened to be boiling food that fell on them. I know some of you have small children and grandchildren. Please check and make sure your stoves are anchored to the floor with brackets. This is a potential hazard that I never would have thought of if it hadn’t been for working on this case…


Frances said...

Hi Conie, I haven't been posting much recently either,other things need to be done....
people forget that more accidents happen in their own home than anywhere else, hope the children will be alright,

Frances said...

Conni, sorry I keep spelling your name wrong,