Friday, April 20, 2007

TAST: First Attempt at Palestrina Stitch

This was a new stitch for me and I want to thank Mary Corbet of Needle ‘n Thread for the great video tutorial! I have been wanting to try reverse appliqué and thought the Palestrina stitch would be a good candidate to try as an outline. I used a scrap of Bali batik for the base and created the top fabric by embellishing coordinating bits of roving and teased out Kunin felt on top of a piece of lilac (Kunin) felt. I ironed the base to a piece of fusible Peltex before stitching and beading. This was just a small experiment (2 ½ x 3 ½ in.) but it might be worth some further exploration…


Micki said...

Lovely colors and the stitching is great.

Anonymous said...

I tried some reverse applique for a mola (I am in Colombia now, I have to try to make a mola:), and your idea is great!

Anonymous said...

Further exploration? You bet.......

Terri Stegmiller said...

Great stitch sample. Those colors are WOW!

Conni said...

Thanks, Micki, Corina, Kay and Terri for your sweet comments!

Corina, I love molas - they are so beautiful!