Friday, December 08, 2006

De-decorating the Tree...

I received this link in my mail, today. Here are illustrated instructions for kitties on how to decorate the Christmas tree… My lovely tree is in the process of being de-decorated by my furry crew. Graycee was gleefully running around yesterday with a calico bird she pulled down. And I’ve noticed many of the bulbs and metal icicles are now hanging upside-down (some sort of satanic symbolism, perhaps?). There is also a big (Huckleberry - sized) “hole” in the middle of the tree where there used to be ornaments. DH thinks their destructiveness is cute but he’s not the one who spent hours decorating the tree just right!

1 comment:

May Britt said...

LOL I love the photos of the cats decorating the tree. Seems they have had a lot of fun. I have had many cats at one time but never have they done this to my tree. Althoug they have had a lot of fun with the decoration.