Allegheny Serviceberry Flowers
Here are the Serviceberry blossoms close-up. Last year, I posted a photograph of these flowers on April 21st. They were just beginning to bloom according to my blog entry. I remember last spring as being exceptionally cold and it looks like it must have set the plants back by about a week (compared to this year). Interesting…I also heard the unmistakable song of the male Rufous-sided Towhee this morning. He usually doesn’t arrive here until the end of April. DH said he heard him last week…
We've had a Towhee in our front planter (under the birdfeeder) the last few days. I had never seen one before. I love the little dance he does! Will have to listen for him now.
Aren’t they pretty birds? I had never seen them before until I moved down here in the woods. The females are much duller than the males and won’t arrive until a little later.
The song to listen for is a very distinct “Drink your tea” (with the emphasis on tea).
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