The monkshood flowers are in bloom - and well worth the wait!
Monkshood Flowers
Here is a piece of fabric I have had for years. I bought 1/2 yard just for inspiration because I liked the design and the strange color combination.
Tribal Print
I’m sitting here at my desk with a new cat on my lap. Some neighborhood children brought her to DH and said she just started hanging around their house a couple of weeks ago and, because she fights with their cats, their parents were going to take her to the pound. So, naturally, old “easy-touch” DH took her and said he’d try to figure something out. DH has never met a cat he didn’t love. And she is just about the most beautiful cat I’ve ever seen. She has long gray fur and her tail is like a plume - and she is extremely lovable. With her large body, long hair, huge feet and sweet temperament, we are guessing she must be at least part Maine Coon. We’ve named her Graycee. She is in quarantine downstairs in my studio until we get the results of her blood tests – and until we get Huckleberry used to the idea of yet another cat… Just look at those sugar lips.
Here is a little sample of a freezer paper print on prepainted fabric. I made a template from one of my sketchbook drawings of a sensitive fern.
Freezer Paper Print
In keeping with the Halloween theme, here is some orange lace that I inherited from my mom’s old stash. I used a little bit to trim the sleeves of my rabbit doll, Louise (April Archives). Still have lots left…
Orange Lace
I sold Uriah on EBAY last night. I hadn’t really planned to use EBAY as a venue. But it’s so exciting! I worked on a couple more Santas today and hope to have them finished soon.
UriahAnd I still haven’t done my lesson on painting on fusible web and I really want to do that. And this week’s lesson is printing with jello – don’t ask! It looks pretty interesting, though, I must say…Below is a little sample of monoprint painting. This was an alternative sketch from the Fiber Collage class (which is being taught again in January, I think). This is a time-consuming process, but great fun! And I can see where it could be a useful method of printing on future projects. I will finish this piece with embroidery and beads at some point.
Monoprint Painting
Well, I just joined yet another Flickr group! Will the fun never cease? This one is called Stash Sunday. In this group, every Sunday, we are supposed to share photographs of treasures from our stash: fabric, buttons, trims, etc. Here is a handful of vintage twinkle buttons. I love these and use them on my Santas and other fiber projects.
Vintage Twinkle Buttons
It’s hard to believe it's mid-October, already! I need to get a few more Santas done! Yikes! Where has the time gone?I’ll be working on dolls and trying to catch up a little on my monoprinting course over the weekend. I’m working on monoprint painting (what fun!) and a project from this week’s lesson, painting on fusible interfacing. No wonder I don’t get much housework done… Here is another scanned page from one of my drawing books. I’ve been going through the drawings, trying to find images that could maybe be simplified or stylized and used in the future for some of the printing techniques I’m learning.
Nature Journal Sketch
I just joined a new Flickr group for people who are, for lack of a more polite term, domestically challenged. It’s called “Creative Clutter Creatures.” Here is a glimpse of my work desk taken the day before yesterday. Right below is DH’s desk (in a separate room) taken later the same evening. 
These tomatoes were painted with watercolor washes on regular old sketchbook paper. Each successive wash (if allowed to dry thoroughly) just strengthens the paper. It took me years of trial and error to figure that out – D’oh!
Nature Journal Sketch: Jersey Tomatoes
Here's a print I made for Lesson 2 of the monoprinting course.
It's been so warm and sunny the past few days - here are a couple more sun prints just for fun... 
Erasmus was auctioned last night on EBAY (through Mission Fish) to benefit HSUS (Humane Society of the United States) to help in their hurricane relief efforts. It was just something he had to do…
EBAY waives their insertion and final fees when you donate 100% of your sale price to your chosen cause. And you just can’t beat that EBAY adrenaline rush – woohoo!
Erasmus with Tag