Saturday, August 29, 2009

First Attempts at Pattern Darning

This month’s Stitch Explorer Challenge is pattern darning. I had never tried it before. Once you establish a rhythm, it’s kind of fun to see designs emerge from simple running stitches.


Eggs In My Pocket said...

I have never seen this before and it does look like fun. I love the colors that you chose and with this kind of pattern, and with different hues, you could probably come up with a lot of different designs. Just lovely work! blessings, Kathleen

Anonymous said...

Hello Conni you must be telepathic as I started to read some of my blogs yesterday, thanks for the e mail, on my bloglines I see I haven't read blogs since the beginning of April and had 40 posts waiting from you, it's been lovely catching up, you are so good to resue more cats, I wonder if people know you resue them so dump their unwanted cat at the back of your house, do you have any organgisations/charities over there that rehouse pets, we have a couple of good ones here, love all your beautiful stitchery,
take care Frances

sharonb said...

I am pleased the patterning is proving to be pleasurable - that's the main attraction to me too - it becomes a little like a meditation