I haven’t posted in a few days because I’ve been busy playing with my new toys! Here is a photo of Christmas Eve 2005, my birthday! DH surprised me with a laptop (so I can work in the screenhouse in the summer – YAY!), a keyboard controller and new digital music software. For Christmas, I got sewing books and supplies, beads, a very cool rolling bead storage unit, an Ott Lite with magnifier and other assorted goodies… I am really looking forward to having lots of fun in 2006!
Christmas Eve 2005
Some purple stuff for Stash Sunday…
Hope Your Holidays are Yummy!
Here is the little pre-decorated tree I use in the bedroom. I made this for my mom a few years before she died. The “Santa” figure looks just like my grandfather, Chauncey. I got him in Michael’s for $5.00 (!).
Bedroom Tree on Dresser
Here is just a little Christmassy glitter for this week's theme. The thread on the bigger spools is Madeira Glamour. The smaller spools are Sulky metallics. Three buttons are antique glass with gold accents, one is a twinkle with a red mirror back , the other is a vintage red rhinestone button.
The weather has cleared enough to add the gravel. The ground is still a bit soggy but the barn is due any day now so this preparation work had to be done. The firewood still sits, as you can see, unstacked - probably won’t get to it until after the holidays.
Storage Barn Progress Shot 12/16/05
I just finished another Santa! Woohoo! Gavril, whose name is Slavic for “believer in God,” is wearing a coat made from a tea-stained vintage chenille bedspread in pale seafoam trimmed with three mismatched mother of pearl buttons. His pajama pants are made from a beautiful piece of vintage drapery fabric, one of several gorgeous remnants given to me by my friend, jewelry designer Linda Bertino of Charming Trinkets. Gavril is holding a bag made from a vintage doily tied with an old piece of cotton twill seam tape (right out of my mom’s old sewing box).
Well, this week’s theme for Stash Sunday is supposed to be about extravagant purchases. I am pretty much of a bargain hunter so there isn’t too much around here that wasn’t half off the red tag special. I have made some button purchases on EBAY, however, that were a little over the top for me. Here are three large celluloid buttons (from the Thirties, I think) that I just had to have…
Celluloid Buttons (1 3/4")
Graycee spends most of her time in the studio with me (she’s my little “helper”) but she is being gradually integrated into the rest of the house. While Huckleberry (who has some territorial issues) is not exactly bubbly over her, he has not gone completely ballistic as we had feared – just the odd hiss or two and then he pretty much ignores her. Here she is in front of the Christmas tree. I am very tempted to color in those lips with a red felt pen…
What in the world possessed me to purchase 1/3 yard of this???
Cat Faces on Cotton
The railroad ties are placed as guides to help determine level ground. We will be adding gravel to even everything out. The barn will be relatively small, only 10x16. But that should be plenty of room for the tractor and other garden-related things: fertilizer, rakes, shovels, etc.
Storage Barn Progress Shot 12/02/05