Wednesday, February 18, 2009

First Try at Trellis Stitch

I cut a simple felt leaf shape in half and lightly needlefelted it to my base fabric. Then I outlined all the edges with chain stitches. The upper half was done in size 3 perle cotton; the lower half in size 5. I see possibilities with this stitch but, whew, it’s gonna take some practice…


Marie Alton said...

I love what you did with the Trellis stitch! Must say it was better than my first try ... and oh yes ... the possibilities!

After playing with it some more ... I decidedly liked the Coton Perle 5 result much better than #12 silk pearl...but more fine tuning could change that!

Anonymous said...

Nice idea! I find it very hard to keep this stitch even. Despite that, I like working it because it's a kind of buttonhole and has a rhythmn. I've used it before in stump work and for the heads of tassels.

Yesteryear Embroideries said...

Oh this is so pretty!I love how you did this. blessings,Kathleen