Sweet Pepperbush Flowers
The flowers of this native plant (here is a drawing of the foliage from the June archives) have the most heavenly, intense fragrance. These are spread all over the property. One of the common names is “poor man’s soap.” DH says he remembers washing his hands with the flowers while camping when he was little.
Sweet Pepperbush (Clethra alnifolia) Flowers
How does DH get all these insects to sit still - does he glue them on? I did a lot of design work on insects, and mostly I put dead ones in the scanner!
It’s uncanny the way DH gets the bugs to sit still for him. The other day, he came outside with his camera, saw the dragonfly flitting around and said out loud, “If only he’d land on something.” Immediately after he said that, the dragonfly landed smack-dab in front of him and struck a pose…as if to say, "How's this?"
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