The End of August
Today is the last day of August. Where did the summer go? When I started this blog back in April, I was writing about harbingers of spring. Now, some of the sassafras leaves are starting to turn color – a sure sign that summer is on the wane. I usually spend September in denial even though I can plainly see the ferns browning and the leaves turning.
Here I am, whining on a pleasant sunny day while the poor people of the hurricane- ravaged south are wondering how they will survive. It is heartbreaking to hear some of their stories. Just continuing to lift them up in prayer…as well as all pets, strays and wildlife…
Nature Journal Sketch: Sassafras
Thanks for stopping by and comment abouty Sandy. We've lost two old friends this year so a third would not be good. But she's back to her old self and in for a big shock when the tuna stops rolling out and regular cat food gets put in its place.
Maryellen, you do the same thing that we do when our cats are off their feed - tempt 'em with tuna!
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